陕西省商务厅驻英国(英格兰)代表处 2018年2 月7 日,在伦敦举办的中国(陕西)英国企业合作交流会上,时任陕西省商务厅副厅长李生荣先生向时任英国陕西商会会长兰俭授予英国代表处牌匾,英国陕西商会得到正式授权以代表处的名义在英国开展职责范围内的有关商务活动。为中英企业间的项目合作与交流牵线搭桥,在招商引资,对外贸易和对外投资合作中发挥“窗口”和“桥梁”作用。 China Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce Representative UK Office On February 7, 2018, at the China (Shaanxi) UK BusinessCooperation and Exchange Conference, Mr. Li Shengrong, Deputy Director of theDepartment of Commerce of Shaanxi Province, granted the UK China Shaanxi Business Association, with the plaque for the UK Representative Office.The UKCSBA officially authorizes the conduct of relevant business activities within the scope of its duties in the name of the UK representative office. UKCSBA will promote the cooperation and exchange of projects between enterprises, and play a"window" and "bridge" role in investment, trade and communication. |